
  • Special access to year-round TaylorNEXT events, both complimentary and pay-your-way, planned especially for NEXTer’s in consultation with the Taylor dancers

  • Advanced ticket sales privileges and advanced notice of discounted tickets

  • Invitation to the annual Season Preview Party at the Paul Taylor Studios, complimentary for members with one guest

  • Patrons Lounge access during the Lincoln Center Season with complimentary refreshments

  • Invitation to annual TaylorNEXT Party on the Promenade at Lincoln Center, complete with a dancer-led backstage tour, complimentary for members with one guest

  • Invitation to 2 open dress rehearsals during the Lincoln Center Season

  • Acknowledgment in Playbill at your corresponding giving level

Benefits of a TAYLORNEXT $1000 GIFT

Benefits above, plus:

  • Exclusive concierge ticketing services during the Lincoln Center Season with access to house seats up to the day of the performance

  • Invitation to the annual Spotlight Presentation with guest Choreographer and the Taylor dancers

  • Invitation to private studio showing and reception with the Taylor dancers and Artistic Director Michael Novak at the Taylor Studios

  • Invitation to the annual “Meet the Artist “ reception during Alumni Weekend at the Lincoln Center Season


  • Individual Membership: $250 annually

  • Dual Membership: $400 annually

  • Memberships expire one year from the registration date *

  • Early renewals will not result in an earlier expiration date

  • Prefer to pay in monthly installments? Contact Jenna Jacobs.

Tax Deductions

Annual membership fees are partially tax-deductible. You will receive a confirmation letter for your tax records. 

Corporate Matching

Find out if your employer matches charitable contributions. Please contact us for assistance in securing your matching funds.